Sunday, March 9, 2008

The good, the bad, the ugly.

I really enjoyed all of the presentations in class over the course of this past week. This was easily my favorite class activity we've done so far. I really feel like I got to know all of my fellow classmates a lot better through their topic choices and presentations themselves. You could really see who was a good public speaker as well as those who relied heavily on the powerpoints. A few stood out to me as being very good. I forgot his name, but the guy who presented on Clemson's playground: the experimental forest. His slides and animations were very impressive and his cues were phenomenal. He never read off of the powerpoint word for word and his slide with the numbers was amazing. He really knew his topic. James Palmer's presentation topic was very interesting, as I've often wondered about alcohol sales at sporting events. Another presentation I really enjoyed was Leigh's presentation on learning styles and education. Her class activity getting the crowd involved was very entertaining and I enjoyed it. Purely on powerpoints, I think Charlie's was the best because the pictures were unbelievable and made me hungry. As far as my presentation went, I may not show it that much, but I'm actually pretty nervous speaking in front of groups. My presentation was kind of thrown together at the last minute, but was on a topic that I was discussing with my friends the days before. Wal-mart provided inspiration for the ending game by having the Top Gun soundtrack on sale for 6 bucks. I was worried it was going to be too short and I feel that I rushed a little bit, leaving out some information I had planned to share about rock and roll music being the best for you; however, I feel that it went pretty well and was pretty unique. Good class activity and I would definitely reccomend doing that for future classes.

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