Sunday, February 24, 2008

Free write

Sundays are the best days and the worst days. All afternoon, motivation reaches an all-time low; Zaxbys is the preferred lunch of choice; and cumulative television hours double as this lethargic day rolls on. Stories fly around the room about the night before, fueling week-long debates of sports bets and relationship talks. Finally, at the pinnacle of laziness, a sudden and dramatic realization of sorts takes place. You take a good hard look at your week ahead and realize what tasks are looming and how much work you've piled up, shoved to the side, and said, "Nah, I'll just do that on Sunday". Well now all of this procrastination has reared its ugly head and there's no way out. Your back is against the wall. Weekend warriors trudge to the library with strong coffees in hand ready to battle on through another week. But don't worry guys, another weekend is only five days away.

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